Ok. We’re all are here. Now what?
We are often asked what our kids love to do in Rye. Vesna and I have kids ranging from 19 years through to 6 years so we are well practised at keeping them occupied whilst not spending a bomb. Here is our top things to do with them this summer.

Rye Beach – all of our kids have learned to swim at this super safe beach – no swell and only knee deep for days. Great atmosphere, get there early to stake your position for the day. Just across the road from your Aquabelle apartment means you don’t have to go far for lunch, a drink or a gelati!
Price Guide: Free

The strawberry and cherry picking farms in Red Hill are a delicious way to show the kids not everything comes from Woolies and Coles. Eat fresh from the plant and fill up your bucket for sensational snacking later. Super fun few hours. Sunny Ridge Strawberry Farm Red Hill Cherry Farm.
Price Guide : $25 per family

Tree Surfing at Enchanted Adventure Garden is amazing! Swing and zip your way over 50 aerial obstacles. Don’t worry.. super safe and if you’re are not into heights.. the gardens are sensational and include hedge mazes and formal gardens. Enchanted Adventure Gardens
Price Guide: $20 – $60 per person
The Mornington Peninsula has a truckload of coastal and bush walks that cater for all abilities. Vesna and I are BIG on walking with the kids – it not only gives them an appreciation for the amazing place they live but is also brilliant exercise. Up sand hills, through ti tree forests, along wide tracks, through the Quarantine Station… it’s endless instagram heaven. Spot the echidas and wallabies. Walks
Price Guide: Free

The Peninsula Hot Springs is fantastic for kids. Whilst you probably think it would be best to go without them we completely love going as a family. We’ve had some amazing chats and relaxed moments sitting with our teens in the numerous hot pools and settings at this magical place. The little kids are often asleep in the car on the way back to Aquabelle so leave the visit until late afternoon. The mineral springs seem to knock them out!
Price Guide: $25 – $55 per person